The Dragon and Chips series

Hal Spacejock on Kindle

For six years now I've tried to make the Hal Spacejock books available to readers in the UK and USA. I signed with a literary agent in England, I talked my publisher into selling the ebooks via my site, I ran monthly competitions and posted copies all over the world at my own expense, but in the end it just didn't happen.

Until now.

I just re-acquired the worldwide rights to my Hal Spacejock novels. Kindle editions are available now (see sidebars, left and right) and I've signed with Lightning Source to offer trade paperbacks via their UK and US printing facilities.

The printed editions will probably take a month or two, but expect to see them before the end of the year. I'm very excited about this, as you can imagine.

Tags: Hal,Ebook,Print

Posted 16 August, 2011 . . .
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