How to write a novel

Eschewing publishers

Over the past 12 months I've been working on a new science fiction series for younger readers (junior/upper primary/middle grade). I've had a lot of fun with it, and when I was reasonably happy with the first book I sent it to my current publisher to see if they were interested.

Although they really liked the book they recommended I take it to a bigger company, for reasons including distribution and the fact I was planning to write two or more of these a year.

I duly submitted the manuscript to a larger publisher (June 2011), but over the next two months I started thinking. (Dangerous pastime...)

Eventually I came to the conclusion that I'd rather self-publish my new series. I'm planning a whole run of them, and the way the bookselling trade is set up it's next to impossible to launch and maintain an ongoing series. (I shouldn't complain because it's even worse in TV land, where amazing shows like Firefly are cancelled because they didn't sell enough shaving cream or nappies.)

So, I withdrew my submission, dusted off my old imprint, dug out my block of ISBNs and signed up with a POD company. I've been editing Hal Junior like mad, and the first book in the series will be released in October 2011 on the Kindle, on Smashwords and in print.

This certainly won't be my first foray into self-pub, and I'm sure it won't be the last. At heart I'm equal parts businessman and artist, and I love to get my hands dirty with the product.

Tags: publishing,hal

Posted 04 June, 2011 . . .
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