Humourous SF and Fantasy writers
a.k.a. Humorous SF and Fantasy writersWhen people are discussing humourous SF and fantasy authors (or humorous, depending on your version of the language), several names come up. Those most often referred to (in alphabetical order) are Douglas Adams, Tom Holt, Terry Pratchett and Robert Rankin. Their styles and their fiction are as diverse as the stars in the night sky, but share one thing in common: they're out to make you laugh. Sure, there are many themes in their works - the nuttiness of bureaucracies, power corrupting those who wield it, the detrimental effect of alcohol on teddy bears - but above all you buy one of their books knowing you're going to get a laugh.
These, then, are my pages for the best-known writers in the sub-genre which is SF/Humour. With stunning originality and possibly actionable wisdom, I dub them the 'Fab Four':
Douglas Adams
Jasper Fforde
Tom Holt
Terry Pratchett
Robert Rankin
And don't forget to check out Andromeda Spaceways for science fiction and fantasy humour... or humor.